Dagstuhl-Seminar — Proof Representations: From Theory to Applications

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Dates August 18-23, 2024
Location Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany
Organizer Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fur Informatik
Proof theory is the study of formal proofs as mathematical objects in their own right. The subject has enjoyed continued attention among computer scientists in particular due to its significance for formalization, metalogic, and automation. In recent decades there has been a surge of interest on the representations of formal proofs themselves. The outcomes of these investigations have been remarkable, in particular extending the scope of structural proof theory to novel and richer settings. The point of this Dagstuhl Seminar is twofold. First and foremost, we want to bring together theorists and practitioners exploiting proof representations to identify new directions of application and, simultaneously, distill new theoretical directions from problems “in the wild”. At the same time, this seminar will expose the interface between the proof-normalization and proof-search traditions by probing proof representations from both directions.

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